I’m Pregnant, Now What?

Everyone’s pregnancy journey starts out a little different, but there is one common feeling shared amongst most mothers, and that is, “Wow, I’m pregnant! Now what?” In that moment you may be excited, nervous, or anxious, and probably feeling a little out of your comfort zone. This list will help you know where to start so you can have a plan heading into your first trimester of pregnancy!

Start Tracking Your Pregnancy

Tracking your pregnancy can be a fun way to feel connected to the process and be aware of the development of your baby every week. There are many apps available for tracking your pregnancy, such as HiMommy – Pregnancy Tracker and The Bump Pregnancy Countdown.

Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

If you aren’t already, start taking prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are essential to the development of your baby. One of the main nutrients in prenatal vitamins is folic acid, which can help prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine.

Decide on the Kind of Birth You Want

You don’t have to have all of the answers just yet, but knowing what you want can help you prepare for it in the long run. If you would prefer an unmedicated childbirth or a water birth, you might want a midwife rather than a traditional obstetrician.

Make Your First Appointment

You should make your first prenatal appointment with a midwife or obstetrician as soon as you realize you are pregnant. The first visit will typically consist of discussing your medical history and current health to understand your specific needs during the pregnancy and your care provider will listen to your baby’s heartbeat if you are far enough along to do so.

Take Pictures

Take pictures so you can document the moment! With such a big change going on, it can be easy to get caught up and forget to document it. You can even try writing down your feelings, worries, and emotions surrounding your pregnancy. It will be fun and beneficial to look back and process everything. Plus, who doesn’t love looking at old photos of happy moments in our lives!

Educate Yourself

This will be important throughout your entire pregnancy. There will be a lot to learn about like foods that are highly beneficial and foods you should avoid, workouts you might want to adjust, and other things like the many options you can choose from for your prenatal care and birth experience.

Your second, third, and even fourth trimester will bring with it its own challenges and steps to take, but this is a great place to start. We hope this helps with any overwhelming feelings you might have and that it gives you a starting point for preparing for your sweet baby to arrive!