Our annual picnic was a resounding success! Did you miss it?? Read on for some highlights of this perfect day…
- We enjoyed delicious home-style food and yummy treats entered in the baking contest – Gabrielle Hannah was the winner with her scrumptious coffee cake!
- Quite a few recipes were posted on our bulletin board for the potluck dishes that were shared.
- Families had a blast playing fun games like apple toss, ring toss, and checkers, and they found lots of surprises in a giant corn dig. The sack race was a hit, too – even with the staff!
- The children planted petunia and basil seeds, played in the garden, and even picked a few vegetables with ONE3!
- We all were fascinated by Shelby Lanier’s presentation about pioneer life and the kids were thrilled to make necklaces with beads and with pendants they created by pounding designs into musket balls.
- We saw some great pioneer costumes throughout the day and it was so tough to choose the best ones. Congratulations to the Whitney Family for winning the contest!
- It was so great to catch up with our past and current clients and to meet new friends in this relaxed setting! The weather was simply perfect.
- Our very own Stephanie of Stephanie Dawson Photography captured these memories and many more for us. View the slideshow below to catch a glimpse of the wonderful day we had and watch our facebook page for pictures from the photo booth!